Five Indian Road Hasn’t Every Motorcyclist Must Know

The roads are filled with numerous hazards of every two wheeler rider has to be aware of in order to stay safe. Keeping that in mind we have identified some of the most common problems that will help you stay safe on the road and enjoy your ride without any problem. So let’s get started!

  1. Old people and wild animals
    One of the most common problem that motorcycle riders face on public roads is the fact that there are wild animals and old people jumping in front of the motorcycle without looking left or right in order to cross the road. This usually the present is the problem of the motorcycle rider having to apply sudden an emergency brakes which is definitely not recommended especially on wet roads or on cold surfaces. If you happen to find yourself on a road where such problems are quite common, make sure that you ride slower than the usual recommended speed and keep an eye for such troubles before they actually happen.
  2. Riding in the dark
    In most places across India and other Southeast Asian countries the public lighting infrastructure is suboptimal to say the least! In that case, you need to have a motorcycle with proper auxiliary lighting set up which will let you see obstacles before they become a concern for you. Directing that you need to take care of while riding in the dark as keeping the overall speed slow so that even if you meet with Unanticipated troubles you have enough time to take evasive action and get out of trouble.
  3. Riding on an empty tank
    Another common problem that most trailer riders often find themselves in is the situation when their fuel tanks are running on fumes. If that is something that likely has become a common incidents with you as well, take care not to head out on the road à la more or less empty tank, and always make sure that you have at least more than half of the tank full before setting out on the road. Keep an eye on the fuel tank indicator at all times and specially on long distance journeys and make sure to top it up whenever you get an opportunity.
  4. Riding under the influence or riding with a tired mind
    Many motorcycle riders often make the mistake of pushing themselves beyond the limit of the human mind by writing under the influence of alcohol or when they are completely tired after a day’s hard work. Is that something that sounds familiar to you as well? If that is the case whenever you have one drink too many at a party do not become overconfident, rather you should park the motorcycle safely wherever you are and then take a cab home. Similarly, if you had a difficult day at office and your mind is completely tired, take a cab home rather than risking it on a motorcycle on the public roads.
  5. Sudden road blockages or political turmoil
    This problem is quite common with people who cover long distances on their motorcycles are specially long tours and travellers so love to do it on a motorcycle. When you are at a foreign country it is important that you keep an eye on the local news and anticipate problems related to political activities must before they actually happen. In many third world countries political events are usually associated with violence and disruption of public services. The best way to avoid being in such a situation is to plan your travels and trips in such a way that you don’t have to be at that place during that time.

This was an indicative list of some of the most common problems that motorcycle riders face when they are on the public roads. However, there are definitely other things that give me a face during your experiences on the motorcycle. It is impertinent that you always wear a good quality motorcycle riding helmet especially one that is manufactured by the Best helmet manufacturers in India and one that has all the necessary safety certifications and comfort features which will give you comfortable on the road for several hours at a stretch.

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